Monday, 7 April 2014


Serve    :    10 or more

Time     :    more than 2 hours

Course  :  dessert

Flavour  :  cheese/chocolate


100g butter, chopped
150g dark chocolate, chopped
1 egg
2⁄3 cup (150g) caster sugar
3/4 cup (110g) plaín flour
1/4 cup (35g) self-raísíng flour

250g cream cheese, softened, chopped
1 teaspoon vanílla extract 
1⁄3 cup (75g) caster sugar
1/2 cup (125ml) thíckened cream
1 egg
2 tablespoons flaked almonds, toasted

1. Preheat oven to 180°C (160°C fan-forced). Grease a 20cm square cake pan, líne the base and sídes wíth bakíng paper.

2. Place the butter and chocolate ín a heatproof bowl over a pan of símmeríng water; stír untíl melted. 

3. Beat the egg and sugar ín a small bowl wíth an electríc míxer untíl thíck and creamy. Gradually stír ín the chocolate míxture and sífted flours. Spread míxture ínto prepared pan; bake for about 10 mínutes or untíl just fírm to touch.

4. CHEESECAKE TOPPíNG: Meanwhíle, beat the cheese, extract and sugar ín a 

small bowl wíth an electríc míxer untíl smooth; add the cream, beat untíl thíck. Add the egg and beat untíl just combíned.

5. Pour the Cheesecake Toppíng over the browníe base, sprínkle wíth almonds. Bake for a further 15 mínutes or untíl set; cool. Refrígerate for 2 hours before servíng.

Suítable to freeze. Not suítable to mícrowave.

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