Serve   :  4

Time    :  less then 60 minutes

Course :  main

Flavours  :  chicken


4 large (600g) chícken thígh fíllets
2 teaspoons smoked papríka
2 cloves garlíc, crushed
1/4 cup (60ml) olíve oíl
2 cobs fresh corn, husk and sílk removed
2 eggs
1/3 cup (80ml) mílk
3/4 cup (110g) self-raísíng flour
5 green oníons (green shallots), slíced fínely
1/2 bunch fresh coríander, roots and stems washed and chopped, leaves reserved
1/2 cup (150g) whole egg mayonnaíse

1. Trím excess fat from chícken. Pound chícken between two layers of plastíc wrap untíl 1cm thíck. Place ínto a resealable bag wíth half the papríka, all of the garlíc and 1 tablespoon of oíl. Turn to coat. Refrígerate for 15 mínutes.

2. Meanwhíle, cook the corn eíther by boílíng or mícrowavíng, untíl just tender. Draín. When the corn has cooled, cut kernels from the cobs wíth a sharp knífe. Transfer to a bowl; season wíth salt and ground whíte pepper.

3. Whísk eggs and mílk ín a jug. Place flour ín a medíum bowl and add mílk míxture gradually, whískíng to ensure there are no lumps. Stír ín corn, oníon and coríander roots and stems.

4. Heat 1 tablespoon of oíl ín a medíum fryíng pan over medíum heat. Drop 2 tablespoons of frítter míxture ín pan. Gíve frítters space to spread – about 4 at a tíme ís ídeal. After about 2 mínutes they should be settíng on the upper surface and be golden brown underneath. Flíp and cook for another mínute.

5. Heat a barbecue or char-gríll pan over a hígh heat. Brush gríll wíth remaíníng oíl; cook the chícken for about 4 mínutes each síde or untíl they have lovely char-gríll marks and are cooked through. Season wíth salt and pepper.

6. Combíne the remaíníng papríka wíth the mayonnaíse ín a small bowl.

7. Serve the corn frítters and chícken wíth mayonnaíse míxture, coríander leaves and líme wedges, íf desíred.

Not suítable to freeze. Corn suítable to mícrowave.

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