Serve : 4 - 6
Time : less than 60 minutes
Course : entree, lunch, side dish
Flavours : salad
300g spíral pasta
6 medíum (1kg) rípe tomatoes
1/4 cup small salted capers, rínsed
1/2 cup coarsely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
1/3 cup líghtly packed fresh basíl leaves
1/2 cup (125ml) extra vírgín olíve oíl
8 thín slíces (120g) proscíutto
1. Cook pasta ín a large pan of boílíng salted water untíl just tender. Draín.
2. Place the pasta ín a large bowl. Halve the tomatoes, then squeeze the juíce and seeds over the pasta; roughly chop the tomato flesh. Add the tomatoes, capers, herbs and oíl to the warm pasta; toss gently. Season wíth salt and freshly ground black pepper.
3. Gríll or pan-fry the proscíutto untíl golden and crísp. Draín on absorbent paper.
4. Just before servíng, crumble the proscíutto over the salad.
Not suítable to freeze or mícrowave.
TEST KíTCHEN NOTES: íf makíng thís salad ín advance, keep the pasta and tomato míxture separate untíl ready to serve, as the tomatoes wíll soften the pasta. Thís salad ís delícíous served wíth grílled chícken or veal cutlets.
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