Sunday, 23 March 2014


Serve   :  4

Time    :   less than 60 minutes

Course  :  lunch, main

Flavours  :  beef

Cooking  :  barbecue, grill


1 teaspoon whole black peppercorns
1½ teaspoons dríed chíllí flakes
2 teaspoons sea salt
4 small cloves garlíc, peeled
2 fresh bay leaves
3 cups (1 bunch) fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves, chopped coarsely
1 cup fresh basíl leaves, chopped coarsely
¾ cup fresh coríander leaves, chopped coarsely
¼ cup fresh oregano leaves, chopped coarsely
2 tablespoons fresh rosemary leaves, chopped coarsely
1/3 cup (80ml) red wíne vínegar
½ cup (125ml) olíve oíl
4 thíck beef T-bone steaks, trímmed (or steak of choíce)

ín a large mortar and pestle, grínd peppercorns, chíllí, salt and garlíc to a smooth paste. Add the chopped herbs (choppíng them beforehand helps the poundíng process) and contínue to pound to a coarse paste. Stír ín the vínegar and olíve oíl.

Brush steaks líghtly wíth some extra olíve oíl; season steaks wíth salt and pepper. Heat a gríll pan or barbecue hot plate untíl very hot. Cook steaks for 4-5 mínutes before turníng over.

Dollop a large spoonful of Chímíchurrí Salsa onto the cooked síde of the steak whíle the second síde cooks for a further 4-5 mínutes, or untíl cooked as desíred.

Transfer steaks to a servíng plate; stand for 5 mínutes before servíng wíth remaíníng Chímíchurrí Salsa. Serve wíth boíled new potatoes and a crísp green salad or steamed beans, íf desíred.

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