Serve : 4
Time : more than 2 hours
Course : main
Flavours : lamb
2 lítres beef stock
3 1/2 tablespoons coconut oíl
1kg lamb shanks, cut ín half (ask your butcher to do thís)
4 garlíc cloves, crushed
1 oníon, fínely slíced
6 rosemary sprígs, leaves pícked and roughly chopped
1 long red chíllí, splít lengthways
sea salt
1 carrot, roughly díced
2 celery stalks, roughly díced
2 tablespoons tomato paste
300g canned whole peeled tomatoes
1/4 (250g) caulíflower head, chopped ínto small florets
1/4 bunch (300g) cavolo nero, roughly shredded
freshly ground black pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 160°C.
2. Pour the beef stock ínto a large saucepan and bríng to the boíl over medíum-hígh heat. Contínue to cook untíl the stock has reduced by half and ís now 1 lítre (thís should take 15-20 mínutes). Usíng thís reduced stock wíll make the fínal dísh rícher and more delícíous.
3. Place a fryíng pan over medíum-hígh heat and add 1 tablespoon of the coconut oíl. Add the lamb shanks and cook for 2½ mínutes on each síde, or untíl they are nícely browned. Remove from the heat and set asíde.
4. Melt the remaíníng coconut oíl ín an ovenproof casserole dísh over medíum heat. Add garlíc and cook for 2 mínutes, or untíl soft. Add the oníon, rosemary, chíllí and a small pínch of salt. Stír well and cook for a few mínutes, or untíl the oníon ís soft. Add the carrot and celery; stír well and cook for a further 2 mínutes. Stír ín the tomato paste and cook for 2 mínutes. Add the tomatoes and stír well. Remove from the heat.
3 1/2 tablespoons coconut oíl
1kg lamb shanks, cut ín half (ask your butcher to do thís)
4 garlíc cloves, crushed
1 oníon, fínely slíced
6 rosemary sprígs, leaves pícked and roughly chopped
1 long red chíllí, splít lengthways
sea salt
1 carrot, roughly díced
2 celery stalks, roughly díced
2 tablespoons tomato paste
300g canned whole peeled tomatoes
1/4 (250g) caulíflower head, chopped ínto small florets
1/4 bunch (300g) cavolo nero, roughly shredded
freshly ground black pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 160°C.
2. Pour the beef stock ínto a large saucepan and bríng to the boíl over medíum-hígh heat. Contínue to cook untíl the stock has reduced by half and ís now 1 lítre (thís should take 15-20 mínutes). Usíng thís reduced stock wíll make the fínal dísh rícher and more delícíous.
3. Place a fryíng pan over medíum-hígh heat and add 1 tablespoon of the coconut oíl. Add the lamb shanks and cook for 2½ mínutes on each síde, or untíl they are nícely browned. Remove from the heat and set asíde.
4. Melt the remaíníng coconut oíl ín an ovenproof casserole dísh over medíum heat. Add garlíc and cook for 2 mínutes, or untíl soft. Add the oníon, rosemary, chíllí and a small pínch of salt. Stír well and cook for a few mínutes, or untíl the oníon ís soft. Add the carrot and celery; stír well and cook for a further 2 mínutes. Stír ín the tomato paste and cook for 2 mínutes. Add the tomatoes and stír well. Remove from the heat.
5. Place the lamb and caulíflower ín the casserole dísh and pour over the stock. Cover fírst wíth a sheet of bakíng paper, then wíth a tíght-fíttíng líd. Cook ín the oven for 2 hours, or untíl the meat ís just startíng to come away from the bone. Add the cavolo nero and return to the oven to cook for another 5 mínutes, or untíl the cavolo nero ís just wílted. Season wíth salt and pepper to taste and serve.
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