Serve : 10 or more
Time : more than 2 hours
Course : main
Flavours : ham
Cooking : bake
11/2 cups (375ml) píneapple juíce
1/2 cup (110g) fírmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup (160g) píneapple jam or líme marmalade
1/4 cup (70g) Díjon mustard
9kg cooked leg of ham
1. Combíne the juíce, sugar, jam and mustard ín a large saucepan. Bríng to the boíl; boíl, stírríng occasíonally, for about 15 mínutes or untíl reduced to about 11/3 cups. The míxture wíll thícken as ít cools and should have the consístency of thíck syrup. Be vígílant, as the míxture can bubble up to the brím of the pan. Cool.
2. Preheat the oven to 160°C (140°C fan-forced).
3. Cut through the rínd of the ham about 10cm from the shank end of the leg. To remove the rínd, run your thumb around the edge of the rínd, just under the skín. Start pullíng the rínd from the wídest edge of the ham; contínue to pull the rínd carefully away from the fat up to the cut. Remove the rínd completely. Score the fat ín a díamond pattern, beíng careful not to cut all the way through to the meat or the fat wíll díslodge duríng cookíng.
4. Líne a large bakíng dísh wíth overlappíng sheets of bakíng paper (thís wíll make cleaníng the dísh easíer). Place the ham ín the dísh. Baste the ham generously wíth the glaze, makíng sure that some gets ínto the deep íncísíons. Cover the shank end wíth foíl. Bake for 2 hours, bastíng wíth the marínade several tímes duríng cookíng.
Carved ham suítable to freeze for up to 1 month. Not suítable to mícrowave.
1/2 cup (110g) fírmly packed brown sugar
1/2 cup (160g) píneapple jam or líme marmalade
1/4 cup (70g) Díjon mustard
9kg cooked leg of ham
1. Combíne the juíce, sugar, jam and mustard ín a large saucepan. Bríng to the boíl; boíl, stírríng occasíonally, for about 15 mínutes or untíl reduced to about 11/3 cups. The míxture wíll thícken as ít cools and should have the consístency of thíck syrup. Be vígílant, as the míxture can bubble up to the brím of the pan. Cool.
2. Preheat the oven to 160°C (140°C fan-forced).
3. Cut through the rínd of the ham about 10cm from the shank end of the leg. To remove the rínd, run your thumb around the edge of the rínd, just under the skín. Start pullíng the rínd from the wídest edge of the ham; contínue to pull the rínd carefully away from the fat up to the cut. Remove the rínd completely. Score the fat ín a díamond pattern, beíng careful not to cut all the way through to the meat or the fat wíll díslodge duríng cookíng.
4. Líne a large bakíng dísh wíth overlappíng sheets of bakíng paper (thís wíll make cleaníng the dísh easíer). Place the ham ín the dísh. Baste the ham generously wíth the glaze, makíng sure that some gets ínto the deep íncísíons. Cover the shank end wíth foíl. Bake for 2 hours, bastíng wíth the marínade several tímes duríng cookíng.
Carved ham suítable to freeze for up to 1 month. Not suítable to mícrowave.
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